Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Molly's Jolly Mug

I’m regarded as a cat lover – I don’t regard myself as a cat lover, just a cat ‘mug’. The current furball, known unoriginally as ‘Molly’, came from our local animal charity ‘BARK’ – Berwick Animal Rescue Kennels. They have a good value shop in town and I only went in to pick up a few bargains and yet somehow by the time I’d left I’d promised to take in a homeless cat. See what I mean? ‘Mug’.
Long-haired, black with an auburn sheen in the summer, she has a tail just like a feather duster. She’s a bit dense but being beautiful gets away with it – like a girl you might find at ‘Stringfellow’s’ night-club.
On the whole she’s well behaved but at first ripped off the wallpaper in the hallway that I can neither afford to have someone replace nor am I well enough to redo it myself.
So now I have a tramp’s hallway, black fur everywhere and have spent a fortune in those sticky roller things trying to control it. Ho hum. She’s sat by my side right now, as she usually is, waiting for the excitement of my moving.
Change of subject: MLM is wanting to go to a quiz night tonight but I’m feeling wrecked so we’ll see. I haven’t been able to do any music for over 2 weeks and we’ve a couple of open mic nights on this weekend so I’d like to save my energies for that – and for picking the black fur out my mouth.

PS: I don’t know what they’re like now but ‘Stringfellow’s’ used to pay their live musicians a pittance – very disrespectful.

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